
The public expects and is entitled to demand the highest ethical standards of conduct of any local government employee. Public confidence in an employee’s credibility and integrity would be shaken should the least suspicion arise – however ill-founded – that they could be influenced by personal considerations. Mutual trust is the foundation of the employment contract between the Council and all its employees.

 These standards of behaviour provide direction on how you must behave to avoid any action that could compromise that trust. The standards of behaviour also provide guidance on how to behave when dealing with internal and external colleagues, Councillors, members of the public, and contractors such as suppliers, providers, consultants and temporary staff. You must follow these standards of behaviour and must understand that they are incorporated into your contract of employment. If you fail to follow these standards you will face formal action.

The Council’s Code of Conduct is available to view here. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand the requirements of the policy. The Council’s Code of Conduct must be adhered to at all times.