How to view ‘My personal details’

This article provides information on viewing your personal information within the Ceri self-service system.

Viewing My Personal Details

Within My Personal details section you will find links to the following:

  • Personal Details – This provides a read only view to some personal details including NameTitle and Date of birth. There are also some fields that can be edited which include Preferred nameMarital status and Emergency volunteer details.
  • Equality Monitoring Information – This is a voluntary form to capture sensitive information for equality and monitoring.
    The purpose of the equality monitoring form is to gather up to date information that will enable us  to assess the impact our recruitment and employment policies and practices, and improve them where we can. The information you provide will help us to meet our statutory duty to monitor and publish equality data annually.
  • Special requirements – This form is used to capture any special requirements and mobility constraints that will get considered when attending any internal training course.