An Overview of your Contract

Your letter of appointment and Statement of Particulars set out the details of the terms and conditions of your employment. Terms and Conditions of employment, apart from salary scales and grades, are mostly subject to local consultation with the relevant recognised trade unions.

The Terms and Conditions outlined in the Statement of Particulars may refer you to HR policies and procedures which form part of your contract of employment. These are highlighted below and a link to further information is provided for your convenience.

You are responsible for ensuring that you access CERi-net on a regular basis to obtain up to date information regarding new or amended Council policies and procedures and codes of practice. These are amended from time to time to ensure they are good practice and compliant with employment law.

We’ve also provided links to other policies and procedures which do not form part of your Terms and Conditions. Where this is the case it will be clearly stated.

Employee Details

This section confirms your details, post, the date of your commencement with the council, your continuous service date and your contract type i.e. whether you have been contracted on permanent or fixed-term/temporary basis. If you have been contracted on a fixed-term basis it will state the date at which your contract will terminate. It will also state the reasons for the fixed-term appointment.

Other Conditions Specific to the Post

These specific conditions are normally shown in Section 3 of the contract e.g. the requirement to wear an uniform, membership of a professional body, Welsh language skills or any other requirements attached to your post.


payYour statement of particulars will include information relating to your grade, salary range and starting salary.
The number of weeks you are required to work, your actual salary and your hourly rate will also be noted.
It also indicates that you will receive your monthly pay slip via CERi Self-Service.
Further details regarding pay can be found in the Pay pages of CERi-net.

Hours of Duty

workingtime.pngThis area of the Statement of Particulars will include details regarding the Working-week and flexible-working. Further details however can be accessed on the working time pages of CERi-net.

General Conditions of Service

The main terms and conditions of your employment are determined by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services as set out in the National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service (commonly known as the Green Book).
Other terms and conditions of employment are contained in agreements negotiated locally with specific Trade Unions recognised by Ceredigion County Council for collective bargaining purposes (see Membership of Trade Union below).

Matters relating to Criminal behaviour

As an employee of Ceredigion County Council you are required to inform your Line Manager and the Human Resources Section at the earliest opportunity and in writing if you are under investigation for a criminal offence or are cautioned, reprimanded, given a final warning or are convicted of a criminal offence.
Please note that all declarations will be treated in strictest confidence and will not necessarily affect your employment. Failure to report such matters may result in disciplinary action being taken against you.

Code of Conduct

As an employee of Ceredigion County Council you are required to adhere to the standards included in the County Council Code of Conduct.
Further details concerning the Code of Conduct are available in the Behaviour pages of CERi-net-.


For probationary period details please see the
probation pages of CERi-net.


You may be required to attend training, obtain a qualification or meet occupational standards in order to fulfil your duties. Details of these requirements will be included in section 3 of the Statement of Particulars. Should your post require any of the above you will be obliged to satisfy such requirements within a specified time to be determined by the Council.
Additionally some employees may be required by a Professional body to undergo continuous professional development. The Council will, where appropriate, provide you with resources to enable you to do this. If you fail to comply with any of the above your employment may be terminated.


redcardIn order to provide a fair and effective means for dealing with disciplinary matters, the procedure within the Disciplinary policy will apply, other than where an informal warning is given for some relatively minor act of misconduct. Details concerning the Disciplinary Policy are available in the Behaviour pages of CERi-net.
Should you feel dissatisfied with any disciplinary decision please contact the Human Resources section.
The Disciplinary Policy is not intended to form part of your contract of employment.


The procedure for dealing with any grievance you may have relating to your employment is outlined in the Grievance Procedure, details of which are accesible in the Behaviour pages of CERi-net.

Should you wish to apply to seek redress of a grievance please contact your Line Manager.

The Grievance Procedure is not intended to form part of your contract of employment.

Place of Work/Mobility

Your usual place of work is detailed in the ‘Employee Details’ section (usually Section 2). However, it is a specific condition of your employment that you may be required to work at any other location within the Council. For further information on claiming travel expenses click here.


sicknessFurther information regarding the Council’s Sickness Absence Policy, procedure and occupational sick pay entitlement can be found here.

Politically Restricted Posts

Under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (as amended) some posts within the Council will be designated as politically restricted. If these restrictions apply to you you will be notified on your appointment.
Further info can be found here.

Holiday Entitlement

holidaysThe Annual Leave provisions for all employees are covered by the National Agreement on pay and conditions for Local Government Services together with any local agreements as reached through negotiations with Trade Unions recognised by this Council for collective bargaining purposes for your employment group.
The Council’s leave year runs from 1st September to the 31st of August. Further details regarding holiday entitlement can be found in the Holidays pages of CERi-net.

Notice Period

Either party may terminate this contract by giving notice to that effect. Details regarding notice requirements are given here. The Council reserves the right to terminate your employment without notice in appropriate circumstances.

Rules, Policies and Procedures

emphandbookIt is a condition of your employment that you comply with the rules, policies and procedures which are adopted by the Council.
For the avoidance of doubt, such rules, policies and procedures are not incorporated by reference into your Contract of Employment and they can be changed, replaced or withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the Council following consultation with Trade Unions recognised by the Council. Breach of the Council rules, policies and procedures may result in disciplinary action.
Details of rules, policies and procedures are outlined here. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with these.


Copyright symbolAll copyright and other rights in the work and material produced during your employment with the Council shall be the property of the Council.

Local Government Pension Scheme

dpfDetails of the Pension Scheme can be found on the Pensions pages of CERi-net.

Membership of a Trade Union

The Council supports the process of collective bargaining and promotes the development of employee relations through consultation, negotiation and agreement. For practical purposes this can only be conducted by representatives of the employers and employees.
The Council respects your right to be a member of a trade union of your choice.
The following Trade Unions are recognised by the Council for collective bargaining purposes:


confidentialityIt is the Council’s policy that personal information must be dealt with correctly, properly, respectfully, legally and securely to ensure full compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other related legislation.
Further details can be found here.
This clause, however, will not prevent you from disclosing information to comply with a Court Order or under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 or to perform any statutory obligation.

National Fraud Initiative

Along with other public bodies, Ceredigion County Council co-operates with the National Fraud Initiative introduced by the Government. This aims to promote the best use of public money by detecting and reducing fraud wherever possible. As part of this initiative and as a condition of service the Council willfrom time to time will supply payroll details to Statutory Bodies to be matched against other information supplied.
All data under these arrangements would be dealt with in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.

Consent to Data Processing

Certain personal data that you have supplied to the Council, such as information set out in your application for employment and the ‘sensitive data’ requested on the Authority’s equal opportunities monitoring form will be held on the Council’s HR information system and database.
To enable the Council to carry out its legitimate HR management functions, and in particular its duty to monitor equality of opportunity in employment, it will be necessary to ‘process’ such personal data, in accordance with the provisions and principles set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.
By entering into a contract of employment you, as the data subject, will be deemed to have given your consent for such data processing to take place

Future Changes

You will be notified of any changes to your terms and conditions as and when they arise.