Eye Care

If you habitually use display screen equipment then you will be entitled to claim a voucher for eye testing.

How to claim?

With effect from 1 September 2017 the process of claiming eye test refunds under the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations is changing.

The Regulations require that employees who regularly use display screen equipment as a significant part of their everyday work are aware of their entitlement to an annual eye test. From 1 September 2017 all requests for eye tests from eligible DSE users must be made through must be made through the Council’s new Eyecare online voucher system.

To access, you must have a work email address with the domain @ceredigion.gov.uk, and have this email registered under ‘Personal Details’, ‘Work email’ on Ceri Self-Service

The new procedure for employees is as follows:

Step 1: Click on this link to access the system https://gw.eyecareplans.co.uk/cere1okd5961b89
Step 2: Language preference can be selected by clicking on the icon on the top right of the page.
Step 3: You will need to enter your name, date of birth and employee number to sign in to the system.
Step 4: Select one of the following scheme participating opticians for your DSE eye test

Please note: The cost of any eye tests undertaken by other opticians will be not reimbursed.

Step 5: Complete your mobile phone number or email address and select your preference for text message or email.
Step 6: You will receive an email or text message providing a reference number
Step 7: Arrange an appointment with your chosen optician and give them the reference number provided in Step 6
Step 8: The optician will guide you through the remainder of the process and, if relevant, options available for corrective lenses.

For further guidance, please click here for instructions on how to use The Hub

If you have any queries regarding this amended process please contact the HR Team on 01970 633949.


Q: Will other opticians be available?
A: The eye care company have made contact with other opticians in other areas of Cardigan, but they have not heard back from all as of yet.

Q: I’ve had an eye test before the 1st September but I’m waiting for new lenses, how to I claim?
A: The eye test before the new system will need to be claimed as soon as possible via the old system, but the glasses or lenses to be purchased after the 1st September can be claimed via the new system

Q: Is there a breakdown of what can be reclaimed?
A: Not currently but this will be explained at the optician’s when you’ve attended the appointment.

Q: My usual optician is not currently on the eye care list. Can I still have the cost reimbursed?
A: Only the opticians listed as being under the eye care scheme can have the costs reimbursed. Any opticians appointment attended outside of those listed will not be reimbursed by the Council for the cost of the eye test nor contributions to the prescribed lenses.